Dog Shoes
Dog Shoes of high quality at Pets Online. Online ordering and quick delivery.
Pawz Protex Pawz Dog Shoes Reusable Black
Rukka Dog Shoes Light Path
Rukka Dog Shoe Sock Shoes
Rukka Dog Shoe Step Shoes
EQDOG Dog Shoe 4Seasons Yellow
EQDOG Dog Shoe 4Seasons Grey
Dog Shoes
For an active dog that you take with you for a long hike, dog shoes are a must have to prevent problems. Especially if you are hiking on very rough grounds, blisters and sores on the soles or pads can develop. With dog shoes you can prevent this, and the dog will thank you for it because these wounds are very painful.
But even if you go out with your dog in your local area, dog shoes may be a good idea in the winter. Snow can get stuck between the pads, or your dog suffer from salt and brine. Dog shoes provide protection to that painful wounds can be prevented.
It is advisable to let your dog get used to the dog shoes, especially if the dog wears the shoes for the first time. Each dog will react for sure, so let the dog get used to them slowly. You can best build up so let your dog wear the shoes for short periods first before you take a longer trip. By making it fun for the dog, this dog
will associate the shoes with fun and pleasure.
Just as for you, the right size shoes is of great importance. For each model, the size chart is listed in the text and how to measure the foot size of your dog. Remember that the size of the front legs and hind legs may be different, so you should measure all of them before you place an order. You can not assume that a large dog always needs a large size dog shoes, the only way to determine the correct size dog shoes, is to measure.